What We D0

Mobilizing Myanmar empowers women to lift themselves out of poverty using the smartphone technology that's already in their hands.
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and philanthropic investors, Mobilizing Myanmar is currently conducting a pilot project to train 5000+ women in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady Delta region.
Our Digital Literacy and Livelihood training leverages women's community networks to ensure poor, rural, ethnic and marginalized women are included in the digital economy.
Mobilizing Myanmar teaches women to:
Securely register for digital wallets and transact using QR codes
Explore opportunities to become neighborhood mobile money agents (earning commission and gaining a foothold in the formal economy)
Use smartphones to access education and entrepreneurial opportunities
In wet markets in the digital pilot region, Mobilizing Myanmar's tech-savvy female Street Team welcomes women from near and far for free 1-1 training and practice using digital wallets and QR scan-and-pay.
Mobilizing Myanmar's training modules, videos and printed lessons resonate with rural, ethnic and poor women because we expressly designed our curriculum for these women, with feedback from them.
Mobilizing Myanmar is working with key government ministries to promote digitization for government-to-person (G2P) social welfare payments and to train pregnant women and nursing mothers to receive the digital transfers.
We coordinate our trainings with financial service providers so eligible women can easily sign up to become new mobile money agents.
Our monitoring and evaluation strategy utilizes quantitative administrative data as well as qualitative surveys of women in the digital pilot region and a control area.
We currently seek partnerships to:
Take the project to scale in other regions in Myanmar and beyond
Work with women entrepreneurs and networks to develop smartphone-enabled economic opportunities
Explore safety nets for women including community-led micro-insurance through women's savings groups